Vintage pants, blouse, and pumps from The Wasteland (323) 653-3028
You recently moved from Portland, OR, to gas-guzzling Los Angeles. How are you transitioning? I'm not a real car person. But in L.A. you drive so much. When my grandmother's old Honda finally died, I took the prize money I'd gotten for my movie and spent it all on a Prius. So that absolves my guilt a little. Plus, it has a GPS system, so I don't get lost when I'm going to estate sales.
What do you look for at estate sales? Mostly clothes, but sometimes I'll find a great old chair or painting. Stores can be so overwhelming and depressing. But I love scouring estate sales for treasures. There are probably enough amazing old clothes out there to last us all forever.
You grew up in Berkeley, CA. Are you an Alice Waters fan? All the food I prepare at home is healthy, but I'm not a vegan or anything. I use an organic delivery service that sends a box of the freshest produce each week. It's handy if you're busy, because you know there's going to be a huge pile of something delicious waiting for you. And it forces you to find new ways to cook the things you get a lot of. I've made a lot of baked apple desserts recently.
What about bananas? They go bad so fast. Sometimes I freeze them, then later run them through my amazing Champion juicer for a sort of banana softserve. If you put a scoop of that into a glass of fresh-squeezed OJ, you get this really yummy breakfast-style take on a root-beer float.
As a writer, how do you avoid wasting paper? I try to stick to recycled paper, and I print on both sides of every page. But you have to be careful—I once gave away a script before realizing that there were some really private e-mails printed on the other side.
The article continues here.
Labels: domino magazine, eco-style, miranda july, my green life