Saturday, July 5, 2008

posted by Sarah Krasley @ 12:44 PM
1E and the Alliance to Save Energy put out an interesting study last week that said that if 104 million American workers would have shut off their computers before heading out on the holiday season, the could have saved 474 million pounds of CO2 from escaping into the atmosphere. Kind of amazing when you think about it. So, your computers need a rest, too. Give 'em a nice nap and let them hibernate or sleep if you can't shut them off outright. If you notice your coworkers leave their machines on, give them a heads up, or tell your IT department about 1E's new power management software that forces computers within a company to enter sleep mode.

Commuting also lends its fair share to the impact of your work day, so here is an enlightning video that shows how to bike to work and look like you didn't---summer is here, the weather is great, so no excuses!

I recommend the Lavendar Essential Oil wipes from Herban Essentials--I've been using them for years to clear the grime of a hot day. The wipes themselves are biodegradable.

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